My boy x

My boy x

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My boy left today for a month of training with the unit he will deploy with next year - they're going 'bush' so that means no contact at all with him for about two weeks....... nothing. The longest Tim and I have gone not speaking since we met 8 months ago is 3 days - and he was away with his family and had no service on his phone....... The last 3 months I have seen him every day, he has either been at home when I got here - or been on his way to me. We speak on the phone probably 5 or 6 times most days, we text back and forwards all day. I fall asleep with him, and i wake up next to him. And I wouldnt have it any other way.

And now he is gone - and I am not quite sure what to do with myself.

And it leaves me thinking about all of the other men, women and families all around the world who do this all the time. Tim's dad phoned me just before to check that I was ok and he promised me that it gets a little bit easier every time he leaves.....not that I will miss him any less, just that as much as you can - you get used to him leaving. Phil (Tim's dad) told me that they have said goodbye to Tim countless times over the last 10 years he has been in the Army.......... I dont know how people do this year in and year out. Especially with families and little tiny children. It makes my heart ache for all of those families and girlfriends who have their loved ones on deployments now, and have had in the past - actually, I guess it just makes me sad for anyone who has to be away from their family and friends for any reason.

Ho Hum.................

On the 'glass half full' side, I am off to Hawaii with my wonderful girlfriends in 6 sleeps, and once back - only 11 sleeps until Tim is home for our first Christmas together! After being apart for this time, I am not going to want to leave his side! Luckily I am pretty sure he will be the same.

We went out for a beautiful meal the night before he left and he bought me a dress that I have been walking past and looking at for a month but would never have gotten for myself. He spoils me rotten and I tell him so - all I get back is assurance from him that I deserve it :)
This is a bit of a disjointed post - hahahaha - am still getting my head around this blogging thing but have been reading lots of others in bits and pieces and am really enjoying it actually! Will try to make it all make more sense next time!
What is the opposite of two? A lonely me, a lonely you. ~Richard Wilbur

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